June 23, 2024
June 23, 2024
Unauthorized Disclosure of Customer Data and Vehicle Records.
Toyota Motor Philippines (TMP) has recently received reports of alleged unauthorized access to customer data of several Toyota dealerships.
We are verifying such reports and have immediately started a thorough internal investigation regarding the alleged breach.
Based on the initial review of our TMP systems, it appears that there are no signs of any compromise or vulnerabilities that can be exploited. We are continuing to investigate details of the alleged data breach, including scope and cause, and will continue to monitor the effectiveness of our systems and regularly update our existing security controls to protect customer data.
We will be transparent and will fully cooperate with the National Privacy Commission (NPC) and other relevant agencies regarding this alleged breach. We shall share our findings with the said agencies upon the conclusion of our internal investigation.
We apologize for any inconvenience this incident may cause to our stakeholders, especially our most valued customers. We would like to clarify that financial information is excluded from this alleged data breach scope. We will further strengthen the management system for handling personal information.
Meanwhile, we take this opportunity to remind all our valued customers and the general public to be extra cautious of phishing emails, fraudulent text messages, and suspicious phone calls purporting to be from TMP or its dealerships. For more information, customers may contact our Data Protection Office through the email address [email protected]